Reality Mixing + the Geospecificity
_In real life_ [irl]
is a phrase employed in a wide range of networked interactions
and used notably in early phases of internet communication [eg
and Y-talk].
_Irl_ is used as a label to demarcate a subject’s presence
on-and-offline. In this dichotomy, definitions of reality are
binary with a clear schism evident between the geophysical and
synthetic. The title of _Second Life_ is an example of this divide
via the implication of a necessary "First Life" [phenomenological
reality]. _Irl_ is often relayed with negatively-inflected emotionality
towards those who display a perceived preference for online/synthetic
In contrast, the term afk
[_away from keyboard_] indicates an inclusiveness regarding geophysical
and synthetic states. Whereas irl evokes hierarchical connotations
in relation to reality definitions, afk indicates a fluctuating,
fluid involvement. Afk illustrates a fuzzy presencing that eclipses
easy polarisations; a subject’s physical body is removed
from the synthetic environment whereas their synth/avatar is still
actualised in-world:
"Away from keyboard means
a user is not at their computer. There is a command, /afk, which
marks the user as AFK. The name of the character will show up
as <AFK>Name, and an auto-response will be sent to anyone
who sends the flagged user a tell…
Person A says: /afk eating food
Person B says: /w
A Hello.
Person B receives: A is Away from Keyboard: eating food".
The afk concept demonstrates the
murkiness of establishing reality gradations when considering
synthetic environments. Paul Milgram suggested the Reality-Virtuality
Continuum as a type of linear reality scale where at one end
lies Geophysical Reality ["The Real Environment"] and
the opposite end houses the Virtual. In-between lies an area
defined as Mixed
Reality: a mixture of augmented virtuality and the corporeal.
This Reality-Virtuality Continuum
as such offers a vectored compartmentalisation of reality within
confines. An elastic, contemporized version of this Continuum
might read:
…with each mode spawning distinct
"swarmic variables" or "notional massing".
Conditional examples of such masses/variables are:
[Synthetic] = Avatar
Fluctuations / Non-Player Character Annexing / Auxiliary Proprieception
/ Networked Socialisation
[Mixed] = Layered Attention / Identity
Extensions / Augmented States of Consciousness / Multiple Theories-of-Mind[s]
[Cartesian] = Euclidian / Non-Euclidian
/ Human
Area Networks / Dimensional Consciousness
[Geophysical] = Primary Consciousness
/ Ego-Mediation / Geospecificity / Geolocation
These masses could parallel volume
[in the audio sense] in terms of measurement and production of
clusters that map and mix composite modes simultaneously.
For instance, the phenomena of Geocaching
or mobile gaming such as _Parallel Kingdom_ which: "brings
new meaning to Role Playing Games by using GPS
to place the virtual world on top of the real world".
In relation to the creation of such
a _Reality Spectrum_, one intriguing by-product could be a redefinition
of established principles regarding conceptions of consciousness,
perception, identity construction and associated mental health
conditions related to "normalcy". If reality isn’t
what we once thought it was, perhaps the inclusion of an Internet
Addiction Disorder in the DSMV
should not be a desired aim. Instead, should there be a proposal
to include a range of disorders that diagnose the inability of
a subject to adapt to reality contouring? For instance, a type
of _Geospecificity Complex_ that highlights a dysfunction perceiving
modalities that exist apart from concrete geophysical markers?
_Gamer Danger_: Addiction vs Synthetic
Addiction [as defined psychologically]
is diagnosed when displays of compulsive behaviours are observed
in any given subject. These dependencies are widely perceived
as detrimental. It is assumed that a deregulation of a person’s
actions occurs when they are classified as dependent and manifesting
traits that indicate an Addictive
Personality Disorder. Addictive tendencies are viewed as maladaptive
and indicate a subject’s inability to balance the majority
of their everyday activities along a socioscientific axis. Is
Addiction an inappropriate psychological construct to apply to
the majority of Synthetics [individuals participating in synthetic
environments] and their networked interactions?
Media channels have a tendency
to label sustained engagement within synthetic environments in
terms of this dependency paradigm. These reports
also act to
_monsterise_ Synthetics and their online participation via
a condemnation
of activity that results in parallel behavioural markers of Addiction.
This type of _Gamer Danger_ response occurs when extreme cases
of MMOE participation - and any negative consequences - are generalised
as representational. These cases are often referred to as potential
examples of prescriptive, as opposed to skewed, behaviour. This
attempt to cast extreme synthetic interaction as the norm *encourages*
the creation of fear-based assessments rather than alternative
A recent study conducted by Dr.
John Charlton [University of Bolton, England] and Ian Danforth
[Whitman College, Washington] allegedly concluded
a correlation between MMORPG
addiction and Asperger’s
Syndrome. On further
querying, it was found that the study *suggested*
that MMO games may be addictive for gamers displaying high Aspergian
traits. This fear-filtered media coverage may be driven by a need
to confirm the importance of the biological-dictated, Darwin-centric
"1st Life" as concretely preferential in an evolutionary
sense. That is, that flesh-based/ego-mediated phenomenology is
given preference over synthetic states in order to maintain acceptable
definitions of _Reality_.
These definitions are further ratified via media focus on this
type of adverse addictive potentiality, rather than any positive
characteristics enhanced by engagement within synthetic environs.
Identity Ecologies + Avatar Formations
In Social
Psychology the concept of _Identity_
formation stresses how a subject is demarcated as an individual.
Common Identity definers include geophysical locators via street,
city, country and biological factors such as age, weight, and
height. Consciousness
contributes to Identity formation via assessments of an individual’s
traits and corresponding _ego development_.
Identity formation is deemed beneficial
via the mechanics of statistical marking and the achievable entrenching
of a subject into a surrounding social
milieu. Medical and psychopathological
models frame the concept through a health dichotomy that positions
dysfunctional identity as potentially Dissociative.
This type of fragmented dissociation from a subject’s internalised
concept of self is viewed as undesirable. Alternatively in synthetic
environments a type of projected
or distributed Identity is considered acceptable
_and_ beneficial.
Most synthetic creches - whether
they be gamer-pitched, environmental or social networking in orientation
- form identities that emulate the ecological
or topological.
Instead of relying on preformed psychological or sociological
architectures, MMOEs and virtual environments encourage deliberately
fluctuating Identity construction. These identities, established
through the use of avatars or profile creation, alter according
to the foibles of specific platforms and interfaces [think: Seesmic,
or Vivaty].
A subject may have a multitude of profiles created across a wide
distribution base. Each profile may consist of the creation of
two-dimensional or three-dimensional projections such as multiple
character creation in WoW.
Individuals may also utilise programs
that allow for cross-navigation of such profiles according to
usage patterns. These staggered profiles create a type of _Socialphrenic_
functioning that eclipses solo-persona extensions. For example,
a Facebook user may create a profile that constructs a user’s
identity according to variables such as their name, age, education,
employment and interests. However, a user is not restricted in
terms of manipulating these answers to evoke an identity structure
vastly removed from their primary geophysical housing. An illustration
of this is a current ARG
narrative strand that situates itself in two active "false"
user profiles on _Twitter_ and _Facebook_. The fictionalised Identity
associated with each profile encourages other traditional identity-defined
users to interact and engage with it. Some of those users defined
as reflecting a _true_ identity may be unaware of the fictionalised
profiling involved.
Other identity intonations can be
creatively interpreted via the employment of Gravatars
or Profile picture selections. This selective presentation of
visual Identity stamps are mirrored in channel adoptions appropriate
to specific Synthaptic identities. Connected users display the
slipperiness of identity markers when engaged within a synthetic
environment; users may reference a fellow Synthetic by their character/avatar
name even when interacting in phenomenologically-defined
According to traditional psychological
theory, these type of identity ecologies would represent a subtle
splintering of a primary identity akin to Schizophrenia.
In synthetic realities, they represent a user’s ability
for comprehensive immersion and allow for seamless and aggregational
engagement. There is room for an overlap of these constructions
including the potentiality
to learn
extensively from these synthetic Identity formulations.