



Pär Johansson/SEAMS


More Electroacoustic Music in Sweden!

SEAMS is the Society for Electroacoustic Music in Sweden. Its hundred or so members are composers, sonic artists and other related people. The Society’s record label is called Elektron and releases about two records of Swedish electroacoustic music every year. More information about the label and its releases can be found at http://www.elektron.nu. SEAMS is dedicated to creating more space for electroacoustic music in Swedish musical life. During the years 2001-2003, SEAMS is organising a tour project, Mereamis, with 15 concerts around Sweden. We, the members of SEAMS, strongly believe that there exists an audience for electroacoustic music outside Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe, the three biggest cities in Sweden, but that we have to actively reach out to that audience, and let them know that we and our music exist. In order to achieve this, the Mereamis project was initiated in 2000 by the board of SEAMS and its former chairman Rolf Enström.

The name Mereamis is an acronym for MER ElektroAkustisk Musik I Sverige, that is, More Electroacoustic Music in Sweden, and the goal of the project is to promote and diffuse (pun intended) electroacoustic music to the countryside of Sweden or at least to parts of Sweden outside the cities mentioned above. A further goal of Mereamis is to get in touch with concert arrangers and other music societies. The project was started by sending out a call for tours and concerts to the members of SEAMS. A tour would have to fulfil several criteria to be accepted. Some of these were: The concerts should consist of works for tape alone, for tape and instruments and/or for live electronics The board felt that it is important to let the audience meet the composers face to face. Therefore, the composers should be present at the concerts, performing their own music and discussing it with the audience. Each concert is to be performed in three different locations outside the bigger cities The composers are responsible for concert bookings, sound and transportation The local arrangers are responsible for advertising and lodging Ten proposals were sent in, from which the board then selected the five most interesting tours.

The composers involved in these five tours are:

Ylva Q. Arkvik, Johan Fernold, Jens Hedman och Martin Q. Larsson: Music for cello and tape

Magnus Alexandersson och Anders Blomqvist: Music for tape (compositions by 6 composers: besides the two mentioned, they are Jonas Broberg, Erik Mikael Karlsson, Love Mangs and Kent Olofsson)

Mats Lindström, Sören Runolf och Anders Blomqvist: Live electronics

Kent Tankred, Leif Elggren och Johannes Bergmark: Live electronics

Mattias Petersson och Martin Jonsson: R:E:A:L:M, live electronics

More than half of these 15 concerts have since then been performed (for a list of the concert locations, see below) and the rest of them will be performed during winter and spring 2003. Pär Johansson, Former secretary of SEAMS Mereamis, is subsidised by Stiftelsen Framtidens kultur (The Foundation Culture of the Future). In addition, EMS/Svenska Rikskonserter (Electroacoustic Music in Sweden/The Swedish National Concert Institute) subsidises an additional concert per tour to be held at Fylkingen. The audio equipment used has in most cases been the Hall-system of EMS/Rikskonserter, consisting of several loudspeakers, amplifiers and CD and DAT players. The Hall-system can be freely used by all Swedish composers.

List of concert locations and organizers:


Gävle: IDKA, Haparanda: Sverigefinska Folkhögskolan, Härnösand: Nymus/Härnösands Folkhögskola , Norrköping: Annan Musik, Trollhättan: Trollhättans Konsertförening och Vänersborgs Musikförening, Västerås: Nya Perspektiv, Växjö: Media Artes, Örebro: Konsthallen










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