Art in Second Life |
by Domenico Quaranta
"SL is literally teeming with artists.
...and it is probably the only virtual world to have succeeded
in focusing global attention on contemporary art, thanks
to artists such as Eva and Franco Mattes (0100101110101101.ORG)
and Cao Fei...." Art critic and curator Domenico Quaranta's
report on SL art. |
Created Identities:
Hybrid Cultures and the Internet |
by Ian M Clothier
"Heterogeneity, multiplicity and rupture
are three aspects of Deleuze and Guattari's rhizome....
This makes the internet an entirely suitable place to manufacture
a hybrid cultural identity..." Ian M. Clothier's 'The
District of Leistavia' is a hybrid cultural entity based
on the Internet. |
Sound Amateur |
by Silvia Scaravaggi |
Art critic/curator Silvia Scaravaggi
discusses 'Soundanism' by composer Miguel Álvarez
Fernández whose current work "mixes and hybridizes
electronic and artistic media in a research devoted to the
connections between sound, art and physiology."
Analog Color Field
Computer (ACFC) |
by Gregory Shakar
"The Analog Color Field Computer
(ACFC) is an interactive video and sound installation that
makes both minimal and maximal use of computer monitors."
Artist Gregory Shakar explains his ACFC whose "conceptual
and practical objectives [are] centered around the theme
of Reclaiming the Video Screen."
Web.Art's Nature |
by Andrej Tisma
"...there is an apparent similarity
between the Internet and concept and principle and
some earlier forms of communicative art such as mail-art
in the early 60’s and network art in the 80’s."
Artist Andrej Tisma relocates the historical connection
of Web.Art to Mail Art and the network movement. |
Exile as Noise -
Noise as Exile |
by Dror Feiler
"For me to be in exile, to be an
immigrant is like being "NOISE" in musical context....a
person is here bodily pushed over borders by forces beyond
his or her control." Composer/musician Dror Feiler
draws a parallel between the state of exile and the musicality
of noise music. |