


# 3 October 2003


THE AESTHETICS OF FAILURE: "Post-Digital" Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music

by Kim Cascone

"Over the past decade, the Internet has helped spawn a new movement in digital music. It is not academically based, and for the most part the composers involved are self-taught. Music journalists occupy themselves inventing names for it, and some have already taken root: glitch, microwave, DSP, sinecore, and microscopic music. These names evolved through a collection of deconstructive audio and visual techniques that allow artists to work beneath the previously impenetrable veil of digital media. .....(continued)"

VIRTUAL MEMORIAL : A Memorial As A Process- A Model Of The World

by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

"A Virtual Memorial represents an Internet based art work created in Flash5, Javascript and HTML by Agricola de Cologne, media artist form Germany. The project is based on the artist's physical Memorial project "A Living Memorial Spaces of Art" which had been initiated on occasion of the 50th return of World War II in 1995 and created and realized  in 43 installations at 43 places in Poland, Czech Republic and Germany until the end of 1998. The ongoing virtual Memorial project has Internet specific aims and purposes....(continued)"

Notes on Critical Black U.S. Performance Art and Artists

by Clifford Owens

"Contemporary black U.S. artists working in the medium of performance art suffer a serious crisis of meaning in art world culture because their work refuses to be relegated under the hermetic rubric of black artistic expression. In other words, black artists who don't primarily make pictures and objects that look like art by black artists often find themselves farther at the bounds than many black artists.....(continued)"

The Edge of Artlessness: The video reflection, snap-shot, family and self-portraiture; and almost losing it all.

by Jim Jeffers

"I have traveled back to the town of my birth and the first 15 years of my life: Denver, Colorado. The edge is somehow still here – life, humans, Americans are still 'edgy' (in a good way, I think).  The city (but really more the feel of a town, coming from my Newark, NJ and its electric-soot foyer to NYC)...the town is perplexed by a series of cat mutilations, numbering over 40 in the various Denver suburbs; we all know Littleton, Colorado (where I put in most of my formative years) because of the Columbine High School shootings, and of course the brilliant Bowling for Columbine (Michael Moore's masterpiece of American Feardom)....(continued)"

Industrimusiken - Från elektronisk pornografi till ockultism


by Guido Zeccola

"Industribuller är grundelement till sonora ritualer för en betydelsefull mängd progressivrockmusiker i Storbritannien, som i mitten av 1970-talet experimenterade med alltmer sofistikerade och noisebaserade elektroniska klanger. Dessa grupper heter t.ex. Throbbing Gristle, Nurse With Wound, Psychic TV, Cabaret Voltaire, Current 93, Hafler Trio, 23 Skidoo,Clock Dva, Metabolist, Test Dept, Sol Invictus, Death In June etc. ....(continued)"





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